Happy birthday, Mom

Cute kid, eh? Well, it's not about me. Today would have been my Mom's 75th birthday, but thanks to pancreatic cancer, she hasn't seen the last 15.

I mentioned awhile back a picture I was dying to get my hands on, one of my mother holding me in her outstretched arms as an infant. This is not the shot I had in mind, though it's a pretty nice backup. I just hooked up my old film scanner so that I could upload it. I'm on a new computer and haven't installed much photo touch-up software yet, but this shot really doesn't need much--I thought it totally post-worthy as is. With few pictures of her in my possession, and exceedingly few of us together, preserving them all is a certainty. I'm just glad to have some.

Miss you, Mom. RIP.


  1. Thinking of you and her Tom and realizing that she gets the same great gift every year, the reassurance that she raised a great son. I'm proud to be your friend . Larry

  2. Nice picture. Let her soul rest in peace.

  3. That is a beautiful picture of a mother who loves her son. You were-- and remain-- a lucky boy...

  4. Always had such a love to her voice when she would answer the phone. She raised a great son and is smiling down on you. Beautiful photo.


  5. I'm sure her soul is resting in peace .. because she had a loving and great son like you, anyways happy birthday to your mom:)

  6. Rather a shame...I have to turn off commenting on this post because of constant spam attacks...Thanks.


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