More on pumping up the volume

When I post about where I live, my primary focus is on the outside--the yardwork done and needed--, and my secondary focus is on the area. This is because I have a nice lot with an awesome view across a small valley. With a little over an acre to maintain, not to mention a broad appreciation of the area and the outdoors in general, it should be little surprise that I devote such attention to what is outside my front window.

Seldom, however, do my posts focus on anything inside of the mostly uninteresting house, which is relatively small, though quite suitable for me. Here I want to devote a few words to one such item, something of value I've come to take for granted: my Bose 701 speakers. Floor speakers don't seem to be used as much as they once were; in fact, the 701s were discontinued a few years ago. With compressed audio formats the norm these days, it's no surprise, and, really, smaller speakers do have merit for a number of reasons. Still, every so often, an urge to crank these babies reminds me that I made a good investment many years ago. This urge struck while flipping through radio channels in the car recently, where I caught the tail end of one of my favorites: Clapton's "Let it Rain". That led me to toss into the CD player a 20-year-old compilation of his bearing that early solo career song and pump up the volume...Pump up the volume really loud. Even before getting to the sizzling 'outro', I was reminded of how fortunate I am to have a good pair of speakers. I mean, complemented with their center and surround speakers, they allow for good effects when watching movies or sports on TV. But, as a stand-alone stereo system, those floor speakers sounded great back in the mid 90s when I bought them, and they still sound great today. I recognized back then that they weren't even the best Bose had to offer, let alone the best when compared to other brands, but these toys absolutely rock. When the high notes, low notes, mid-range vocals, and even quiet breaks are projected, I know I made a wise investment 15 years ago.

They have survived a couple of years in a damp basement, being covered by dog hair, and several moves. And, it may be less often these days that the urge to really crank something hits me, but when it does, I am ready. More frequently, they are put to the test when I am working anywhere just outside the house and want to keep up with a game, or have some tunes playing. Yes, my Bose 701s remain at the ready whenever I pump up the volume in the more traditional sense.


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