The continuing viburnum posts

A few years ago, using my Scandinavian Forest Axe, I felled a cottonwood that had an 8"-diameter trunk and stood over 20-feet tall. That was pretty cool. I've also precisely dropped a couple of 30-feet-tall maples with my chainsaw, guiding them to safe landings. Again, it felt kind of cool, and was certainly a relief when nothing got damaged, myself included. Then there's what I've done with the forsythia, but that is an ongoing effort.

Nothing, though, has given me the satisfaction that I took from my fight while planting my viburnum mariesii, chronicled in this wordy post. It's flowering now:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've posted pictures of it before. As far as plants go, though, it's simply the best $170 I've spent outside. Two neighbors have asked me what it is, and one just looked at it and told me that I should get into landscaping. I thanked him, but it is the shrub doing all the work. Now anyway...a helluva fight occurred in that very spot two years ago...


  1. Very nice. Here on the tundra I'm trying to keep straight which shrubs are winter hardy and which will attract songbirds... an ongoing project. On the baseball front, the magic of last years brand new Target field seems to have disappeared with my favorite pro teams utter collapse this spring. Oh well....


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